SME’s Development

SME’s Development

SMEs Development,  is part of our association believes, especially when it come to entrepreneur. we believe that they are part of the economic development. For this reason we always provide them some special courses, so they can be improve their skills. Some of them are mentioned below:


  • Commerce and Marketing: Association for charity and development welcome every year entrepreneurs in our center, to provide courses of commerce and marketing in collaboration with IECD. Since we started, we offered 3 Commerce and 2 Marketing courses. The main goal of those courses is to value their work, understand their business needs and help them to improve the work environment. After this course, the participant are getting a certificate from IECD, and they will have free access to other courses.

Click on the pictures below, to check previous classes.

  • Computer Software: Every entrepreneur need some software to use in their work, part of them are good with basics one, and other needs some advance software. This is why, we offer the basic of Microsoft office (word, excel, PowerPoint) and the advance one as Access, Photoshop. check the picture below

  • Business Round Table workshop: every person, especially entrepreneurs, need an expert to listen to their problems, and guide them, that’s why we prepared 4 business round table that was very successful, that helped those entrepreneurs to implement the knowledge received into action.